Honestly, Tel Aviv isn't a place I ever thought I would visit but with new jobs come new responsibilities.
I didn't have much time to explore the city of Tel Aviv unfortunately as my schedule was action packed with only a few hours here and there of downtime. Just as well as I forgot my memory card so I had to use my LG Nexus 5 mobile phone
Tel Aviv itself isn't located near the conflict zone so although the threat of danger is there, it's significantly reduced and life gets to runs pretty normally (reassuring for a little stress head like me).
Regular readers will start to see how much I love a good rooftop vantage point. I was able to capture these just after my meetings across a couple of rooftops.
This was the view of the Diamond District (a.k.a the financial district) from the roof of my hotel.
This was the view of the sunset from a beach cafe we called home for a day.
And another of the beach earlier in the day.
It wasn't all sun and games though, my trip to the airport looked like this. Fun times.
The one thing I was unable to capture but needs to be mentioned is the food.
Honestly. I had some of the best meals ever while I was out there. The seafood especially was EXCELLENT. Standout restaurants were Kitchen Market (order the cheesecake, life changing) and Shila (try ALL the seafood. especially the slow cooked calamari).
It was a delicious albeit brief yet super productive trip.
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