

Happy New Year everyone! Grab a warm beverage and settle in.

I hope you're enjoying the new site as much as I am! 

I've been wanting to revamp the layout for AGES especially as so many of you view it on your mobile phones. You should find it loads easier to navigate and totally compatible with any device you're using. Because I implemented it by myself, I'm sure there will be a few bugs so please shout if you spot any.

I'm sure for most of you who've already had your first week of work for 2015, thoughts of the holiday season are sadly long gone. I was lucky enough to have 2 1/2 (MUCH NEEDED) weeks off in New York city with the family and enjoyed every second (more to come on that in a later post). 

If you find you're already flagging, this might (hopefully!) just be the boost you need seeing as I'm still very much in holiday mode.

If you're anything like me, the hardest part of your post-holiday period is keeping your positivity and willpower going for more than a couple of weeks. Every year I try to make it last, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much.

This year I've made no dramatic resolutions. I was however exploring the streets of Brooklyn and saw a piece of street art that resonates with what I hope will define my 2015.

How do you guys do it? 

The intention is always there, we start off wanting to be a better version of ourselves and we make all sorts of promises to ourselves and to each other. Basically sets us up for failure. I've been looking up ways to avoid this inevitable downfall so you don't have to. Here are my top tips for winning at January:

Keep It REAL. You will never reach your teenage weight, you're an adult. Keep your goals realistic and failure will no where to be found.

Baby Steps. Don't vow to lose 10 stone, vow to swap escalators for stairs during your commute. Vow to stop putting sugar in your tea/coffee. Vow to swap from tonic to slimline (harder than it sounds, blurgh). You get the gist.

Remember What's Important. It's harder to be happy than it is to be sad. Pissy people, public transport, spiraling bills, general anxiety, and the feeling the media gives us that humanity is coming apart at the seams - all reasons to be mad/sad/angry/blue. Most people let the bad cloud the good. End of the day, we all want to be happy and we are the only ones who control whether that happens or not. Be honest with yourself. Chances are once you understand what makes you truly happy, the rest should fall in place. At least I flippin hope so :-/

I read somewhere that the praise we receive from announcing our intended goals to other people makes us feel as good as when we actually achieve these goals. Meaning sometimes, we make a declaration, get kudos, and then lose the will to carry out our intentions - not consciously of course.

I've fallen victim to this many many many MANY times so when I read the research it really resonated. Keep this in mind as you announce your resolutions to the world.

What do you guys think to that? Are you on track? Do you have any tips for staying positive beyond January? Do you like the site?

Every comment brings me joy, don't forget to leave a link to your blog (if you have one) so I can return the favour! :)


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